Have You Asked This Magic Question?

This game-changing question can solve your clients' biggest problems.

Read time: 2 minutes

Imagine this:

You ask your client a simple yet powerful question…

and their answer solves their own biggest problem.

Believe it or not…

There is a question that can make this happen.

Let’s dive in…

Just one question?

No, of course not.

If it were that easy, everyone would be rich.

I hope you’re asking your prospective clients LOTS of smart questions…

To learn about them and their business, and how you can help them.

But this certain arrangement of words discourages limiting thinking.

It promotes innovative thinking and leads to unexpected solutions.

It’s my favourite question for clients.

I learned it from Ryan Levesque in his Ask Method Masterclass.

And it has stuck with me for years since taking that course.

I also hear the COO at my work ask this (and he’s a super smart guy).

Every time I’m on a discovery call with clients, I ask this question.

Of course, it doesn’t always work…

And sometimes it takes a couple follow-ups…

But it is so often helpful and reveals things they might not have said otherwise.

It’s fantastic for a few reasons.

  • It gets people to pause and think deeply about their situation.

  • It encourages open and unbiased brainstorming.

  • It speaks of magic, which triggers more creative thinking.

  • It gets more buy-in when clients think of their own answer.

An example of this question in practice…

I was on a call with a potential client who builds software for startups.

Let’s call him John.

During our discussion, I found a pain point…

John wants to find new clients outside of his network while maintaining his loyal clients.

He wants more regular work time and no more 80-hour weeks!

But projects are sporadic and, at times, urgent.

“What do you think is a good solution for this?” I asked.

“I have no idea!” John answered.

That was obviously the WRONG thing to ask…

So I asked the magic question.

John looked up at the ceiling and thought for exactly 17.92 seconds.

His answer this time?

Having his clients on retainer.

With retainer pricing, John said he could block time for current clients work and manage projects better.

That would also allow him more downtime to work ON his businessand not just IN it.

He already had the solution in his head.

He just needed the right question to release it.

Now, when I propose a plan of action to John…

He is more likely to buy into it…

It’s his solution, after all 😉

Ready to add magic to your client calls?

Are you ready to transform your clients’ thinking and pave the way for unexpected solutions?


Drumroll, please...

The question is…

If I could wave a magic wand and solve this problem, what might that look like?

Remember, it’s not just about asking this one question…

But understanding how and when to ask it.

As a service provider, you need to encourage an open, honest, and thoughtful response from your client.

Use this question wisely and watch it transform your client relationships.

Want to get better at building client relationships?

Go ahead and follow me on Twitter.

🤖 Robert


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